God Day Everyone,
Let us Pray: At this moment, I invite you to join with me as we set a spiritual place to align with the Perfect Health that is of the Divine. We accept Perfect Health in all areas of our mind, body, and lives. We see Divine Energy coursing through us, returning anything amiss to our authentic expression in God. We know that within us, our Divine Wisdom will guide us in our choices as to how we keep ourselves safe at a time when mass concern is being expressed throughout the world. We bless all those who are experiencing this virus or any other health challenge and hold the Truth for them that they are a perfect healthy expression of their Divine Presence. We see fear around this dissipating now, as fear will create more of what we do not want. We live free from fear and free from ailments. And so it is! And so we let it be! AMEN!!!
Welcome to the 3rd Sunday in our Lenten Season.
We claim the “Messiah – The Anointed One” Jesus brought so much to the people of his time and his teaching has changed the scope of the world for all time to come. And yet his message was clearly about following him not to worship him. We see that the Messiah is defined as the anointed one and yet does this apply to only one. Can the anointed one be each one of us as we bring our spiritual gifts to this table of earthly experience? Have you ever looked at your self from an elevated viewpoint and seen the glory of the land and all the plantings? We have an opportunity to step into our Christhood every day and if yesterday didn’t work out great, we can begin again today. No one is keeping a scorecard, except us.
“A voice cries out, ‘In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’” Isaiah 40:3
Affirm with me: Today I fast from thoughts and feelings of less than. I feast on my true authentic Self. I know that there was no mistake when I was created. I am the anointed one.
Join us this Sunday as We Grow in God and Grow in Love. And our Just Rewards are Inner Peace and Abounding Joy. I look forward to seeing YOU and growing with YOU in Christ Love. Today we agree to be the best Christ we know to be, ever-growing in Its Expression.
Sunday service begins at 11 am. Children’s church begins at 11 am. Three classrooms are available with open arms to welcome your children: nursery, 4-9, 10-13. Twenty-minute Guided Silent Mediation begins at 10:15 am in the Chapel.